Tooth Extraction With Care & Comfort

Understanding Wisdom Teeth

When Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Millions of people need wisdom teeth removal each year. Wisdom teeth (or your third set of molars) tend to start growing in during adolescence. However, many people do not have enough room in their jaw for the molars to grow in properly. This lack of space can lead to them growing in at odd angles or even becoming impacted beneath the gums. When a patient does not have room for these teeth, we recommend removing them, ideally before they begin to cause issues. Removing wisdom teeth can help patients avoid:

  • Overcrowding
  • Teeth being pushed out of alignment
  • Infection and inflammation
  • Pain and discomfort

Tooth Extractions (Simple & Complex)

For your regular teeth, an extraction may be needed in cases of severe damage due to injury or decay. In many cases, we can restore a tooth through a crown, inlay, onlay, or root canal. However, sometimes it may prove best to start fresh. Teeth with significant decay or damage can pose a risk for infection and additional dental issues. Pulling a critically damaged tooth can provide benefits such as:

  • Relief from painful symptoms
  • Reduce the risk of health complications
  • Rebuild your smile with replacement teeth
Our Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

What Is the Procedure Like?

Though tooth extraction is an oral surgery, the process is quite quick and requires very little downtime afterward. For simple extractions (including simple wisdom teeth removal), patients may need only local numbing. However, more complex procedures may be better conducted with general anesthesia. The choice depends on your health considerations, preferences, and the complexity of the procedure.

A simple extraction can be completed in a matter of minutes, while complex ones may take up half an hour for a tooth. In most cases, patients will be out of the door within about 60 to 90 minutes from the start of their procedure.

Tooth Extraction At a Glance:

  • Duration: 15 to 60 minutes on average
  • Anesthetic: Local or full sedation
  • Downtime: 1 to 5 days on average
  • Pain Level: None during surgery; mild after surgery
When Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Recovering from a Tooth Extraction

Patients are often surprised that simple tooth extractions may not even require any downtime. However, the recovery period is still important and requires some home care to avoid complications. For any extraction, avoiding damage to the surgical site is central, and saltwater rinses will help reduce the risk of infection. Our dentist will provide detailed instructions based on your individual procedure for what to do (and what to avoid) in the days after surgery. Some normal side effects (which resolve quickly) include:

  • Discomfort (managed with medication)
  • Swelling and redness
  • Minor bleeding (only for a day or two)

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery: Recovering from having wisdom teeth removed usually is different from simple extractions. Impacted teeth in particular require a more complex approach to safely remove the teeth. Because of this, patients usually take between 3 and 5 days off from school or work to rest at home.

Replacing an Extracted Tooth

Wisdom teeth do not need to be replaced, but if you had another tooth extracted, replacing it not only restores your smile but provides additional benefits. Going without a tooth for a prolonged period of time can lead to long-term changes in your jaw structure and bone density. So, replacing a pulled tooth as soon as possible is often the ideal path forward. Our three main options are:

  • Dental Implants: Long-lasting and natural-looking replacements for individual teeth.
  • Dental Bridges: Ideal for replacing gaps in your smile and can replace multiple teeth.
  • Dentures: Partial or full dentures can replace entire sections of missing teeth. Implant-supported dentures provide additional support and durability while remaining easy to clean and maintain.
Our Tooth Extraction Process

Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal Today

If you or your teen needs wisdom teeth removal, it is generally best to do it sooner rather than later. Book your consultation for tooth extraction today to see what your options are. We perform every procedure with individual patient needs at the center, ensuring even tooth extractions are as stress-free as possible.