Enhancing Dental Aesthetics

Tooth damage can happen at any age, and it often happens without warning. One moment, you have a set of healthy-looking teeth, and the next one of them is chipped or damaged. For these and a range of other cosmetic concerns, we provide dental bonding in Riverside at Cleopatra Dental.

What is Dental Bonding

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding involves using a tooth-colored resin to address certain cosmetic concerns. From repairing damaged teeth to covering up persistent stains, dental bonding offers patients a flexible and quick path to restoring a tooth to its natural appearance. Our specialist has years of experience providing bonding treatments, sculpting natural-looking results that blend in perfectly with your smile.


Top Reasons for Teeth Bonding

  • Repairing chips or minor damage to a tooth
  • Closing gaps between teeth
  • Altering a tooth’s shape
  • Covering up tooth discoloration
Benefits of Dental Bonding

Benefits of Dental Bonding

  • Long-lasting results
  • Quick treatment option with instant results
  • Natural look to the treated tooth
  • Reversible treatment
  • Minimally invasive with no recovery period
  • Highly versatile solution or cosmetic concerns
  • Improves structural integrity of the tooth
When Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Dental Bonding: At a Glance:

  • Treatment Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
  • Anesthetic: Not needed, may lightly numb surrounding gums
  • Treatment Type: Cosmetic
  • Results Duration: 3 to 10 years
  • Pain Level: None
  • Materials Used: Composite resin

What Is a Dental Bonding Treatment Like?

Getting a tooth bonded is quick, comfortable, and convenient. In most cases, completing the entire process requires only a single visit to our office. Typically, it involves a few key steps:

  • Preparation: The process starts with selecting a shade and preparing the tooth. The surface of the tooth may be roughed a bit to improve the adhesion of the bonding material.
  • Application: The resin material is applied to the tooth and molded to match the tooth’s natural shape. Once the shape is right, we cure (harden) the material with a special light.
  • Polishing: With the bonding material solidified, we then make additional minor adjustments to generate a completely natural look to the tooth.
Considering Age Factors

Is Teeth Bonding Right for Me?

The key advantages of dental bonding are the speed of treatment and its more affordable price tag. However, we always take the time to ensure you are matched with the right treatment for your smile’s needs. This starts with an in-depth consultation and oral exam. We look at multiple factors to determine which procedure will best suit your needs and deliver the results you want to see. These include:

  • How fast you need results
  • The concerns you have about your teeth
  • Current oral health (decay)
  • Amount of damage to the tooth

In some cases, a patient may be matched with an alternative treatment, such as dental veneers or teeth whitening. These other cosmetic solutions have their own advantages and limitations, depending on your individual needs. During the consultation, you can explore each option and find the one best suited to you.

What are 6-Month Smiles

Is There Any Recovery Period?

Dental bonding is minimally invasive, requiring no incisions or adjustments to the interior structure of a tooth. Some new sensitivity is normal for a few days after the treatment, but this should gradually fade. While local anesthetic is rarely needed, if you had it applied you may want to wait until it wears off before eating. Any numbness could make it easy to accidentally bite your cheek or tongue.


How Long Do the Benefits Last?

How long your dental bonding results will last depends on a few factors. The two most prominent are the quality of your treatment and your oral health. Better materials applied by a skilled dentist will make for better, longer-lasting outcomes. Likewise, the biggest enemy of dental bonding is poor oral hygiene. Depending on these (and other) factors, dental bonding can last anywhere from 3 to 10 years for most patients. After this, we usually recommend touching up or replacing the bonding material to keep the tooth at its best. Additionally, patients may have bonding removed if they want to alter their results. The most common reason for this is either to replace damaged bonding or try a different option, such as dental veneers. The bonded material can be removed with ease without further damage to the tooth.

Tips for Longer Results:

  • Be careful when chewing any hard foods like nuts
  • Maintain good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing at home)
  • Routine visits to the dentist (twice a year for most)
TMJ Treatment Options

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Book your consultation with our cosmetic dental expert today to see lasting improvements to damaged or discolored teeth. We are proud to provide customized dental bonding in Riverside for a range of dental needs. Each cosmetic treatment is designed to look natural and restore radiance to our patients’ smiles. Call our office today to learn more about our suite of treatments that will bring out a lasting smile.