What Takes Place During Professional Dental Cleaning?

What happens during professional dental cleaning? A professional dental cleaning is widely considered to be one of the best tools that you have to maintain the health of your teeth in the long term. Failing to keep up with regular cleanings has the potential to very negatively impact the health of your teeth.

Knowing what to expect when you head to the dentist’s office can help you and your dental professional maximize the benefits of your teeth cleaning. This, in turn, can help to ensure that you maintain clean teeth for longer.

What Happens During Professional Dental Cleaning?

If you have an upcoming teeth cleaning scheduled, take a look at this guide that can show you what happens during your professional dental cleaning.

1. You’ll Undergo a Physical Exam

In any standard teeth cleaning, there are two different professionals at work: a dentist and a dental hygienist. In most situations, a dental hygienist is the first one to take a look at your teeth. The first step in this process is typically a general physical exam of one’s teeth.

The hygienist will observe the state of your teeth using a small mirror, identifying any signs of gingivitis, plaque, or general inflammation in the gums. Any major problems will be identified and recorded.

2. Plaque and Tartar Are Removed

After this, the hygienist will utilize a tool known as a scaler to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums. This is classically thought of as one of the most uncomfortable stages of the cleaning process, as the scaler can inflict mild pain.

In addition, if a patient’s teeth and gums aren’t very healthy, this stage can produce some bleeding. This can be an uncomfortable process in itself but is considered essential for preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar.

3. A Toothpaste Cleaning Is Performed

Once the excess plaque and tartar are removed from one’s teeth, the hygienist will utilize a professional electric toothbrush. The toothpaste that is used in this process is distinct from the household brands in that it has a mildly “gritty” consistency that can help to scrub away excess plaque and tartar from a patient’s teeth. If done sparingly, this can be a very beneficial process that doesn’t harm the enamel of your teeth.

4. Flossing

Whether you are a regular flosser at home or not, your dental team will then proceed to give your teeth a professional flossing job. Even if you do this regularly at home, this professional flossing has the potential to give your teeth a deeper cleaning.

5. Rinsing Is Part of the Process

You may notice that your hygienist gives your teeth a regular rinse in between the cleaning steps. This rinse discards various forms of debris that are left behind in the rest of the cleaning process. It contains a chemical known as liquid fluoride that assists in cleaning the teeth.

6. Fluoride is Applied to The Teeth

The final step of a routine cleaning process is the fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a chemical that can protect your teeth and help to prevent the development of cavities and other debilitating conditions of the teeth that can arise without proper treatment.

There are several different flavors of fluoride and several different methods of application. Sometimes, a retainer filled with fluoride gel is affixed to the teeth, while in other cases, a simple fluoride swish is placed in the mouth for several seconds.

Additional Steps

Your dental team might take some other steps depending on the condition of your teeth and your dentist’s instructions. If your dentist deems it prudent, they may decide to take an X-ray of your mouth to observe the details of the teeth more closely.

In the case of children who are visiting the dentist, there’s also a chance that your dentist will recommend a fixture known as a molar sealant to place on their teeth, which has the potential to prevent the development of cavities in hard-to-brush areas of the mouth.

Returning to the dentist for regular cleanings is the best tool to reduce the chance of you developing cavities and other problems with your teeth.

The Best Dentist in Riverside

Dentistry Riverside is one of the best dentists in Southern California. They are excited to apply their knowledge and expertise to your teeth. If you’re interested in scheduling a regular teeth cleaning in Riverside to help you get back to having the teeth you deserve, contact our office today.

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